The New Zealand Garden Bird Survey is taking place between 29 June and 7 July 2019. This is your chance to participate and help NZ’s wildlife.
New Zealand is full of amazing landscapes and unique wildlife. Much of the unique wildlife is of the feathered kind. In other words there are lots of cool birds in NZ. The country is home to 212 species of birds, 171 of which are native, and another 41 are introduced. One good way to help track the current status of these birds is through bird surveys.

What Is The New Zealand Garden Bird Survey?
This is a citizen science project designed to learn more about New Zealand’s garden birds. This is important because birds are an important indicator of the health of the environment.

How Do I Participate In The New Zealand Garden Bird Survey?
Between 29 June and 7 July 2019 all you need to do is spend one hour counting birds. You can sit out in your backyard or go to a nearby park. It doesn’t matter so much where you choose, but what is important is that you stay put for one hour.
During that one hour of time you need to keep track of the most of any type of bird that you see at one time. For example, if you see 3 kereru in the beginning mark 3. Then if you see one more kereru later you leave it at 3 because 3 is the most you saw at one time.

Great Website For The NZ Garden Bird Survey
There is a great website that is chock full of useful information about the survey. Everything you need to know is listed, from tips on identifying birds, to chances to win stuff, to how to enter your data.
Yep, once you’ve spent an hour in your garden or at a park you can enter your results online here.