The native totara tree grows to a huge size and is common across New Zealand. Learn 6 facts about this tree, including why Maori revere it. As a pakeha and non-native to New Zealand it has taken me time to learn and appreciate many of…
Tag: plants
Hebe is one of the most common types of plants in New Zealand. Here are 8 facts about it, focusing on the variety found on Mt. Taranaki, Veronica stricta egmontiana. Considering the fact that this is the most common type of flowering plant in the…
The nikau palm tree, New Zealand’s only native palm tree, is also the southernmost palm tree in the world! Learn about this native tree here. Most of the time I associate palm trees with tropical islands and sipping cocktails on the beach. Well, New Zealand…
New Zealand’s native tawa tree is common throughout lowland forests in the country. Here are 7 facts about this abundant native tree. I will be honest with you here, it took me a long time to learn about and be able to identify tawa trees.…
This tree fern guide will help you to quickly and easily identify New Zealand’s tree ferns. Glancing at this guide will help you identify mamaku, ponga, wheki and more tree ferns. A US friend of mine that spent many months traveling in New Zealand remarked…
Flax is an endemic plant of New Zealand that is common throughout the country. Here are 7 facts about this plant that is important for people and animals. Flax is one of those features of the New Zealand landscape that is ubiquitous. You can see…
Puawhananga or bush clematis is a beautiful splash of white flowers in the green forests of New Zealand in the spring. Here are some cool facts about this common spring flower. I spent many years living in the Rocky Mountains of the USA where spring…
Supplejack is a vine that grows throughout the lowland, coastal forest of New Zealand. Here are 9 twisty facts about this common native plant. A friend of mine once told me something that I think nicely sums up this native vine. Supplejack is everywhere when…
These common epiphytes of New Zealand can be found on trees, boulders, or cliffs. Here are some basic facts about 5 epiphytes to help you identify them. New Zealand’s native forests, both the podocarp/broadleaf forests and the beech forests, are full of life. The trees…
New Zealand is home to a few prickly plants that you need to be careful of when you are out in nature. Here are 3 plants that can cause some serious pain. For the most part I feel like I’m in a safe, fun place…